TOP Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Naturalink Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our company”) hereby sets forth the following policy to securely manage and properly use Personal Data for specified purposes.

Collection of Personal Data

Our company may collect Personal Data to the extent necessary in the following cases.

  • ・When you have made inquiries to our company.
  • ・When you apply for a service to our company.

Use of Personal Data

Our company will use Personal Data in accordance with the stated purpose of use.

  • ・For contact to customers
  • ・For answers to inquiries from customers
  • ・For providing services to customers

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

Our company shall not provide Personal Data to any third party, except for the following cases.

  • ・If you have the consent of the disclosure of Personal Data.
  • ・If such a request from the police, of a request from the public office.
  • ・If you receive the application of the law.

Disclosure and Revision of Personal Data

Our company shall respond to all disclosure, revision and discontinuation requests from the user of his/her Personal Data as promptly as reasonably possible.

Customer Service Contact for Personal Data

TEL: +81-92-738-5938
FAX: +81-92-738-5939
Naturalink Co., Ltd. Go Ishizeki